читала статью на Dazed, и тут просто не скажешь лучше <3
There’s no joy to be had trawling over your ex’s movements now that you aren’t together. NONE AT ALL. It will just give you that twisty ouchy pain in your heart and stomach kind of like you ate a bad hotdog and also there were knives in the hotdog? Don’t do it. Even though it’s so tempting and so easy. Resist. Remind yourself that it’s BAD AND YOU MUSTN’T DO IT. I find the trick is to behave like a bird would behave if it had also got dumped. Would a bird keep checking the other birds Facebook to see if it had been hanging out with any new birds? It would not. Would a bird drunk dial its ex every Friday night for months? Noooope. Would a bird lurk its ex’s Instagram? Not a chance would a bird do that. So be like a bird. Take flight. Leave the past behind. Soar ahead. Eat garbage. Shit wherever. Sing.